Flight arrangements have been made for the teams to travel to JHB in December.  Please see the various flights times below together with which teams will be on these flights.

First flight MN468 @ 7:50 am: 120 seats available
U13 boys & U13 girls and U14 boys & U14 girls (8 teams)
Second flight MN118 @ 8:10 am: 70 seats available
U15 girls and U15 Boys/ (4 teams)
Last flight MN480 @ 10:20am: 120 seats available
U 16 boys & U16 girls and U19 boys & U 9 girls. 
U13/14/15s & respective coaches and managers on the first flight JE151 departing JHB at 18:25
U16/U19s & respective coaches and managers on last flight JE719 departing JHB at 19:25
Should a player not wish to return with the team, then the final date for notification is 10 October.  Please email Mandy on mandylynfisher5@gmail.com regarding this.
Should any parents wish to contact our travel agent to arrange their own flights, the contact details are: Fiona Pieters at IGO Travel (fiona.pieters@igocorporate.co.za)